Hunger strike of 29 Kurdish prisoners in Urmiye prison of Iran has reached its 30th day. Situation of the ones who are carrying out the hunger strike against the torture, infringement of right to a fair trial and right to defense and human rights are getting worse.

Negativity of the Iranian regime towards a solution of Kurdish problem keeps getting deeper with the execution of Kurdish prisoners.

Human rights abuses are continuing in Iran and every year tens of opponents are being executed. Execution is a kind of murder committed by the state. Right to life is the predominant right in terms of human rights deriving from a person’s birth and guaranteed by international law.

Everyone is irrevocably entitled to their fundemental rights regardless of their tongue, religion, sex, ethnicity and political views.

We call upon the Iranian government to:

– Stop the violence and executions in prisons,

– Stop the practices which infringe the right to life of people especially of the Kurdish and political prisoners,

– Meet the needs and requests of those who are in hunger strike,

– Have a positive approach towards the prisoners of Iran in terms of right to a fair trial and defense.

– And to comply with international human rights rules.

HDP Central Executive Board
December 20, 2014