Statement by EH Bildu regarding the removal of our co-mayors:
Turkish interior minister launched on the 19th August a Police raid to arrest over 400 HDP’s municipal council members and employees, including the Municipal Co-chairs in Diyarbakir, Mardin and Van and will appoint unelected administrators to run the municipalities. We must note the overhelming support for the arrested Co-chairs elected with 63% of the vote in Diyarbakır, 56% of the vote in Mardin and 53% of the vote in Van.
EH Bildu strongly denounces this ussurpation, the arrest of democratically elected representatives and their remplacement by unelected administrators is absolutely antidemocratic.
EH Bildu wants to show once more its support for HDP and call on the Turkish Government and the parties supporting it to immediately stop these attacks and to seek a peaceful negotiated solution, that will respect the will of the people.
21 August 2019